Dance is the
art of precise expressive and graceful human movement traditionally but not
necessarily performed in accord with musical accompaniment . Dancing is
developed as a natural expression of united feeling and action. To many dance is only an
art. In reality dance is much more. It’s an art, a sport , a way of express
one’s self, a way to exercise, a way to
get feelings out. Since the beginning of times ,humans have used different
types of express themselves. There are many advantages to dancing, however there
are also some disadvantages. Dance is one of the most physically and
cognitively demanding sports. Dance is an ancient human
practice, however the earliest record of human dance remains a mystery. Ballet
is one of the most popular types of dance. It is known for its grace and
elegance. Ballet is a very disciplined style of dance and may take many years
to develop the proper technique. Ballet is the foundation for many other types
of dance. Contemporary/modern is another type of dance similar to ballet but
modern dance frees itself from the strict rules of ballet and focuses more on
the dancer’s expression of inner feelings. Modern dance was created in the
1900’s as a rebellion against classical ballet. It emphasizes creativity in its
choreography and performances. Folk dance is also a popular types of dance.
Folk dance is a variety of dances that reflect a certain culture. There are
many types of folk dance including aboriginal dance, clogging, irish dance and
square dance. Folk dancing started in the 18th century, the steps were then
passed through the generations. Other dance styles are often mixed with jazz
because of influence from tv, movies and music videos. Every jazz dancer is
different and they interpret and execute moves differently to create originality.
To be a good jazz dancer, one must have a background in ballet dance.
Tap dancing is another type of dance that is energetic and exciting. Tap
dancers wear special dance shoes with metal taps on them so they can use their
feet like drums to create rhythm and beats in specific patterns. The goal of
tap dancing is to create clear, clean sounds, with various
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